I run Ace Japanese. Please visit my youtube AceJapanese or email acejapanese@protonmail.com

Understanding トー横キッズ: A Deep Dive into Yokohama’s Youth Culture

In recent years, the phenomenon known as トー横キッズ (Tōyoko Kids) has emerged as a distinctive feature of urban youth culture in Yokohama. This group of young individuals, often seen sitting on the streets and engaging in various activities, reflects broader social dynamics and issues affecting Japan’s youth today. In this…

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The Unification Church Scandal in Japan: Unveiling the Controversy and Its Implications

In recent years, Japan has been shaken by a scandal involving the Unification Church 統一教会, also known as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. This controversy has intertwined with Japanese politics, celebrities, and public life, raising questions about the future of the nation’s political landscape and social fabric….

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Pitfalls and progress

Following on from the post about motivation last week, here is a ‘part 2’ which focuses on recognising the traps your brain sets for you, as recognising these traps or pitfalls is the key to avoiding them. First we’ll consider the main points. I’ll split this up into reasons for…

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The power of motivation: overcoming ‘laziness’ in language learning by identifying what’s blocking your progress

Laziness and complacency are two of the most common obstacles that people face when trying to learn a new language. This will be a post taking some ideas from Dr K’s videos linked below, and it builds heavily on learning how your mind works and identifying what ‘laziness’ really means….

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Part Article breakdown – 運動嫌いでも腸内環境を整えるだけでやる気が自然と湧いてくるという研究結果

Part Article breakdown - 運動嫌いでも腸内環境を整えるだけでやる気が自然と湧いてくるという研究結果

Reading articles can be tricky given the amount of kanji, but with an add-on like rikaichan/kun, you can blast through this with a basic understanding of grammar: The article we’ll be reading can be accessed by clicking on the picture of it below: 運動嫌いでも腸内環境を整えるだけでやる気が自然と湧いてくるという研究結果 Starting with the title, as always,…

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