I run Ace Japanese. Please visit my youtube AceJapanese or email acejapanese@protonmail.com

Footage of the Japanese mind thinking about KANJI

A great channel to test your Japanese skills on is QuizKnock. Their YouTube description is the following: 東大クイズ王・伊沢拓司を中心としたメンバーが、ガチンコクイズや盛り上がるゲーム、激ムズ入試問題など様々な無理難題に対し、頭脳と根性で挑戦していくチャンネルです。勉強動画もあるよ! ガチンコ means to do something seriously. It comes from Sumo, originally being ガチン which is the onomatopoeia for the sound of two wrestlers slamming together when they go from the 蹲踞 crouch…

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If in doubt, input again

You want to get as much input as possible when learning a language. One video that really opened my eyes to how important input is to language learning was this great channel What I’ve Learned: If you don’t spend a lot of time hearing what ACTUAL Japanese sounds like, no…

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