I run Ace Japanese. Please visit my youtube Ashley K or email acejapanese@protonmail.com

Setup of Japan: 都道府県

都道府県, read as とどうふけん is a word used to represent the various top level administrative areas of Japan. The Wikipedia article has some great maps, diagrams and more than enough information you’ll ever need to know about this topic. In Japanese the breakdown is as follows: 都:東京都の1、道:北海道の1、府:京都府および大阪府の2、県:それら以外の43. So we see…

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Article breakdown of ‘Zero is too harsh? 1st year primary students getting marked down for stops, upward flicks and sweeping strokes MEXT’s opinion’

Article link:https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/94af3649323a03d2dfb09bd850600defeccd70c1 Video readthrough of the article with translation and explanation: 0点は厳しすぎ?小1「とめ、はね、はらい」で× 文科省の見解は 0点 is read as れいてん which you can read more about here. 習字のような「とめ、はね、はらい」ができていないと、漢字ドリルは全てやり直し。テストは0点―。小学1年の担任のこうした指導に対し、保護者から「厳しすぎる」という悩みが届いた。わが子の就学を前に、どこまで丁寧に字を書かせるべきか思案している保護者は多いはず。西日本新聞「あなたの特命取材班」がウェブサイトで意見を募ったところ、保護者や教育現場からさまざまな声が届いた。字体の指導は、どこまで厳格であるべきか。 小学1年の担任a たんにんせんせい is the homeroom/form teacher that you have generally in the morning before school actually starts in Japan. But たんにん also means to be…

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Min-Maxing Rabbitholes

Checking out Japanese language learning forums reveals some common trends. I often find myself analysing people’s entire personalities through their comments. I’m not entirely sure remote psychology is a thing but I do see certain attitudes and behaviours that are unlikely to be very helpful in your language learning journey….

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