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Talking about reasons: から vs の vs のだから

から から can be used grammatically in certain ways to show reasons for something, basically acting as ‘because’ or ‘so’: 人とロボットが一緒に働く時代だからこそあらためて考えたい安全のことBecause it is the era where humans and robots work together, we need to rethink safety https://monoist.atmarkit.co.jp/mn/articles/2012/11/news046.html オフィスチェアメーカーだから伝えたい。Because we’re an office chair maker, we want to inform you. https://www.bauhutte.jp/bauhutte-life/chair-mat/ This…

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A 難問 is difficult question. Here is an extract of the kanji entries. 難 [音] ナン  [訓] かた.い -がた.いむずか.しい むづか.しい むつか.しい -にく.い[英]  difficult; impossible; trouble; accident; defect 問 [音] モン[訓] と.う と.い とん[英]  question; ask; problem There is a similar word, 難読, read as なんどく, with the second kanji giving more a meaning of ‘difficult to read’. This is…

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Japanese Counters 助数詞 – Beginner to Intermediate plus example sentences

Compilation of common Japanese Counters 助数詞 for beginners・intermediate/highschool/JLPT N5, N4 and N3. I’ll be covering the following counters: 円, 冊, 人, 名, 枚, ページ, 頭, 匹, 足, 台, 階, 歳, 杯, 個, つ, 羽, 本, 点, 泊. I reference a few webpages in this video, I would really recommend you…

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