I run Ace Japanese. Please visit my youtube AceJapanese or email acejapanese@protonmail.com

Tips for reading Japanese using rikaichan/rikaikun

Reading Japanese can be tricky, but consuming native materials is one of the best ways to exposure yourself to real Japanese and therefore to read, write, speak and understand natural sounding Japanese. In this video I’ll show you an extension for your browser which can help you read kanji etc…

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Question words with particles – important phrases for natural Japanese

Combining question words with particles is a very useful topic of Japanese to learn. I’ll go through several common types and show example sentences to explain how they are used. Tae Kim’s lesson on the same topic for reference: http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/… Sentences used in this video: 『誰も知らない』 誰もが安心安全に旅行 神社の敷地が、ランニング大会コースに…「何も聞いておりません」 猛抗議に主催者の対応は? 実際に信用金庫の面接であった質問【だいたいどこも同じです】 婚活中、どうしても男性の見た目を重視してしまいます…

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