Potential forms in Japanese and how to make them. Learn how to say “I can do X” etc. This includes both ことができる and the verb conjugation ~られる・える.
The basics of Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji and introductory grammar
Hello everyone! I am a Japanese tutor that does private lessons. I’m turning my lessons into videos for you so you too can learn Japanese. Please subscribe and leave any comments relating to any burning questions you have and I’ll do my best to answer them, it may even turn into a video!
Google Doc link to follow along with the lesson: https://goo.gl/xRC9j3
The basics – ga particle, counting/counters and kanji
This lesson we’ll be looking at the ‘ga’ particle a bit more, counting and some kanji.
Google Doc to follow along with the lesson: https://goo.gl/Ng2Jz9
Counting/counters and compound sentences
Google Doc to follow along with the lesson: https://goo.gl/jbLgFz
We’ll be looking at が・けど・のに・から・ので and see how they are used to join sentences to ‘show reasons’, ‘but’ or ‘despite’. I also run through a type of JLPT-style questions for revision.
Counting/counters, JLPT and Katakana tips
Google Doc to follow along with the lesson: https://goo.gl/T51bii
I go through counters/counting, JLPT and katakana tips (however see my more recent video on this last topic).
The basics – Verbs
Google Doc to follow along with the lesson: https://goo.gl/rzhkTd
A revision lesson on basic grammar rules regarding verbs and volitional forms.
Doing well in year 12 exams
Watch this if you’re taking high school level Japanese and want some ideas on how to improve. This video is mainly focused on year 12 Japanese in Australia but is close to JLPT N4 level.
In this video I go through what to expect, how to study and other tips.
Doing well in the JLPT
Today is a lesson for JLPT takers. I go through the various locations, content, rules, study tips, levels and more. I recommend all my students to keep JLPT as a goal however its important you make the decision whether to take it for yourself.
Google Doc to follow along with the lesson: https://goo.gl/Xsjv2g
する and なる with the に particle
Today we’ll be looking at one of the most misunderstood parts of Japanese. I can show you how to understand it better. Google Doc to follow along with the lesson: https://goo.gl/AC1YmN
Cameras on Trains – NHK Easy Article read-through
An article about the installation of cameras on trains on the Yamanote line in Tokyo. I’ve put links to the articles in the google doc to follow along with the lesson: https://goo.gl/Aa9CkP