Learn Japanese – Year 12 Kanji list 12 Strokes Onwards 間飲開道買運話電業楽新読語駅聞曜

Today we’ll be finishing up with our Year 12 Kanji list, doing stroke 12 onwards. Please look back at the previous videos to see the other collections. I cover both receptive and productive kanji. Follow along with the google doc linked below.

Google Doc to follow along with the lesson: https://goo.gl/1cTjqM Link to ad: https://goo.gl/jfpWG5

Transitive and Intransitive verbs – I open VS it opens

Transitive and Intransitive verbs, what are they? This lesson is aimed at year 12 exam preparation or JLPT N5, N4 level. This is for all those people who could never work out why there are dual words such as 出る、出す、入る、入れる.

This is something that I think everyone should learn as early as possible. Basically if you can read hiragana and have experimented with conjugations like making negatives of nouns, verbs etc, then you’re ready for this!