Verbs – Making the plain-form negative and masu form しない、します

Today we’ll be looking at the plain negative form eg しない as well as how to make the masu forms eg します.

This video is for someone who is learning to use verbs at a beginner level, or if you want to start learning about the plain form in Japanese. It is also for any person doing Japanese in a school program.

Leave your books behind -Let’s Read a Japanese Newspaper article

Article from NHK Easy talking about back problems, heavy textbooks and a policy change from MEXT to deal with it. We’ll be going through this article in detail. Please check the youtube description box for a link to the Google Doc which has a word list.

Let’s Read a Japanese Newspaper article – Earthquakes in Hokkaido

I’ll read through the article explaining words and grammar along the way. This is an article from NHK Easy talking about earthquakes in Hokkaido. We’ll be going through this article in detail. Please check the youtube description box for a link to the Google Doc which has a word list and a link to the article.

Kanji – How to learn and the materials I recommend

Not sure how to learn Kanji? Finding your progress is slow? This video will show you the ways I learnt over 2000 kanji and the books and materials I used.

I got JLPT 2級 in 2008 and JLPT N1 in 2020. Of course these exams require you to know a lot of kanji in depth and so you need a way to approach learning so many bits of information.

Check out my other videos on kanji damage here and here.