A complete guide to 1700 kanji through Kanjidamage.com – Part 1

Here is the link to Part 2.

This will be a video series on how to learn kanji from absolute scratch. I’ll be running through the website kanjidamage.com as this is the best online free kanji program I have found. In this video I’ll be running through the way to use the site as well as explaining how kanji works and how to effectively study kanji.

As I explain in the video, the ‘usual’ way to learn kanji, for example a kanji textbook, is one of the worst ways to learn kanji. That may seem confusing, and considering its how Japanese people learn kanji, you’d think it would be the best way, just copy what the native speakers do… right? wrong.

Japanese people learn kanji despite using textbooks, and the fact that they are native speakers helps mask this weakness, never mind the thousands of hours of work that even Japanese people have to put into learning kanji throughout school (and cram school). so work smarter, not harder, and see how easy learning kanji can be through this website!

There is an official kanjidamage deck for anki which I would highly recommend to help you practice.

A complete guide to 1700 kanji through Kanjidamage.com – Part 2

Part 2 of the video series on how to learn Kanji from absolute scratch. I’ll be running through the website kanjidamage.com as this is the best online free kanji program I have found. We’ll finish off the How To section of the website and look at the other features.

Learning through input — Satorireader.com

A great website that helps you learn Japanese through short stories with hyperlinked vocabulary, grammar explanations and spaced interval repetition features built in – plus it’s (basically) free!

I would also recommend the below video as it shows you the science behind the website.

Primary School Japanese – How to help your child excel!

Is your child doing primary school Japanese? Are they struggling? Do you want to help but don’t know how? This video will run you through what they need to know. The idea is that you learn the basics, and then can help guide their study!

Even if you have no background in languages, picking up the basics will really help your child out and I have successfully taught many parents some basics which has resulted in their child going from the bottom of the class to the top.

As with everything, if you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. I believe that anybody can learn Japanese and if you want your child to succeed, contact me today!