Tokyo Game Show 2019 article read-through – 5G and the future of gaming

A detailed read-through of an NHK Easy article. This goes into the Tokyo Game Show and how technology is changing the face of gaming.

NHK Easy is a fantastic resource and Japanese students of all levels should check it out, even if you struggle reading hiragana. It is basically a news website but written in much simpler Japanese, with an option to turn on the kanji readings and have the piece read out to you.

The website can be found here.

Japanese through games: Hearthstone. ゲームで日本語をならいましょう。

Another detailed breakdown of Japanese grammar and words from Hearthstone gameplay.

If you want to speak Japanese and understand media like this to the level I can, then don’t hesitate to contact me through the Contact link up the top. I can help YOU and my professional lessons are done online so all you need is an internet connection and some type of microphone.

Learning Japanese through Hearthstone Act 5 Heroic クリア

No matter what the language, constant exposure to it is key to improvement alongside consistent study. Consuming Japanese media in the form of anime, TV shows, books, games will help to reinforce words you’ve learnt, practice your listening to a variety of accents, dialects, show you how words and grammar are used in context and finally help improve your concentration.

Games can be good if you’re used to them in English, as switching to Japanese is not as hard if you know the general gameplay mechanics, menus etc. I make an effort to switch everything to Japanese, including my phone, computer etc. I recommend you do the same!