How it’s used versus how it’s taught

another nail in the coffin for textbooks

Teaching Japanese is one of those things that I enjoy immensely, but it’s hard to sell my services as being superior or the best use of your time and money when there are so many alternatives out there, like a textbook that claims to teach you everything about ‘must-know Japanese grammar’, whatever that is.

The reality is that you can learn a minuscule amount of grammar and still be a very competent Japanese user, as it is really vocabulary that is going to get you understanding Japanese faster than anything else.

However, a look down the list of any school Japanese program or course will invariably contain many Japanese grammar forms which have almost no use at all in Japanese, written or spoken. At least they will be exceedingly rare and/or never used in the way they are presented.

Te-forms: Useful in some forms, worth skipping in others

One of the things you will learn about te-forms is that they can come everywhere, including on verbs, adjectives and nouns. My advice is to focus on the verbs, but I came across a usage of a te-form which struck me because it is one of the rare times you will see this usage of it, despite it being a big part of a Japanese language program, at least at the early stages.

Learn the verb rules for te-forms here

In this NHK Easy Article on 白川郷, they interviewed a woman from Kyoto and asked her opinion about it:

click picture to go to article

There we can see the te-form of the いadjective being used to join it to the next sentence, basically translating it as ‘it is beautiful, and like a dream world’. This usage is about as far as it will go, you’re unlikely to see or hear Japanese people stringing more than 1 or 2 of these adjectives/nouns like this to describe something.

If you look closely, you’ll see that there was another adjective before it, きれい, which technically could be joined with a で. So why didn’t they? Well, first of all, this is not what she actually said. It has been made ‘easier’ for NHK Easy, but you can find her apparently real quote in the linked article put at the bottom of the Easy verion:

But the woman from Kyoto is trying to make a specific point, in that she wanted to relate her feelings from the past, but then slips into the present tense. This is a very natural way of speaking and if you followed what the textbook said, you wouldn’t come across anywhere near as nicely as she does.

So by all means, learn these grammar points, but don’t be surprised when you get out there and describe something in a way that a textbook would have you believe is correct, only for Japanese people to be slightly put off by your long sentence that sounds unnatural.

If you found this lesson useful, I’d really appreciate a donation. It goes directly into supporting this website and me to produce more content that will help you improve your Japanese.

If you’d like to have personalised Japanese lessons, be they 1-on-1 or group lessons, contact me today via the website’s contact form. You can checkout my YouTube channel for examples of what lessons will look like, and I have a professional home studio setup with microphone, lighting and software so that I can display anything on screen including articles, videos and much more.

Part Article breakdown – 運動嫌いでも腸内環境を整えるだけでやる気が自然と湧いてくるという研究結果

Reading articles can be tricky given the amount of kanji, but with an add-on like rikaichan/kun, you can blast through this with a basic understanding of grammar:

The article we’ll be reading can be accessed by clicking on the picture of it below:


Starting with the title, as always, you’ll want to be considering particles as the beginning and end of clauses and phrases; markers to help you separate out ideas. Here, でも, で and という are very important.


We have more usage of という in this part and throughout the article, helping signify concepts, themes and other points to be aware of, such as “exercise is good for the body”; “can’t get the motivation up to exercise” and the related square brackets to bring up the concept of “motivation” in the various forms.


Quite tricky and you’ll need strong vocabulary skills regarding biology for this article, as we have words like

  • 腸内・ちょうない・intestinal, inside the intestines
  • 細菌叢・さいきんそう・bacterium, bacteria, germ plexus, rete
  • 微生物・びせいぶつ・microbe, germ
  • 化学物質・かがくぶっしつ・chemical substances, chemicals
  • 脳・のう・brain
  • 神経・しんけい・nerve
  • うつ病・うつびょう・depression

Let me know what parts of this article you struggled with via my email, or by leaving a comment below!

If you found this lesson useful, I’d really appreciate a donation. It goes directly into supporting this website and me to produce more content that will help you improve your Japanese.

If you’d like to have personalised Japanese lessons, be they 1-on-1 or group lessons, contact me today via the website’s contact form. You can checkout my YouTube channel for examples of what lessons will look like, and I have a professional home studio setup with microphone, lighting and software so that I can display anything on screen including articles, videos and much more.













生姜(しょうが)に含まれる香り成分「シネオール」(cineole)の主な働きは、食欲増進効果です。食欲がなくなりやすい夏場にぴったりの薬味で、さっぱりとした冷や奴(ひややっこ)やそうめんなどに添えれば夏バテ解消効果も期待できます。さらに、辛み成分ショウガオールには強い殺菌作用も含まれており、おすしに欠かせないガリ(pickled ginger)にも活用されています。





Japanese Gingerという英語名のようですが、西オーストラリアでは検疫制限のため流通していないようです。


わさびは、日本原産の香辛料です。わさびならではのツーンとした辛みの元は「アリルイソチオシアネート」((Allyl isothiocyanate)という成分で、抗菌・抗虫作用や食欲増進、血栓予防、免疫力向上などに働きかけます。




刺身などに添えられることも多い大葉(おおば・Japanese beefsteak)。これは、大葉が持つ芳香成分「ぺリルアルデヒド」(perillaldehyde)や「シアニジン」(cyanidin)に強い防腐・殺菌効果が備わっているためです。







If you found this lesson useful, I’d really appreciate a donation. It goes directly into supporting this website and me to produce more content that will help you improve your Japanese.

If you’d like to have personalised Japanese lessons, be they 1-on-1 or group lessons, contact me today via the website’s contact form. You can checkout my YouTube channel for examples of what lessons will look like, and I have a professional home studio setup with microphone, lighting and software so that I can display anything on screen including articles, videos and much more.

Time is a flat circle

Restoration works on a temple in Kyoto revealed a 400-year old tool in the roof called a ノミ, which in English is a chisel. The kanji is pretty tricky hence why it is written in katakana:

Time is a flat circle

The temple is a designated national treasure, referred to as the 大徳寺(だいとくじ) or the Temple of Great Virtue. By the 寺 character, this a Buddhist temple and is part of the Japanese Zen school.

The tool itself was found in the roof of the Abbot’s Quarters, or the 方丈(ほうじょう). The Osaka Prefectural Cultural Asset Protection Department (my translation) believe that it most likely was left behind by accident by a carpenter during the 1635 construction of the building.

The tool was found when replacing a rafter that supported the south-east roof. It has a handle made of evergreen oak, and a double-edged blade made of steel that dates from the Japanese medieval period.

Source: Yomiuri Newspaper

If you found this lesson useful, I’d really appreciate a donation. It goes directly into supporting this website and me to produce more content that will help you improve your Japanese.

If you’d like to have personalised Japanese lessons, be they 1-on-1 or group lessons, contact me today via the website’s contact form. You can checkout my YouTube channel for examples of what lessons will look like, and I have a professional home studio setup with microphone, lighting and software so that I can display anything on screen including articles, videos and much more.

カスハラ:From お客様 to 貴様

Putting the customer as god can have its drawbacks. It can make an already entitled person act even more unreasonably to a crazy degree, and research from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has shown that customer harassment (カスタマーハラスメント) is only getting worse while other types of harassment seem to be on the decline, although still taking up a bigger proportion overall.

I’ve dealt with this topic before in a video if you want a bit more background on it, see the post below:

A high profile example of this is a recent update to Nintendo’s regulations regarding their repair service that was put out in an otherwise innocuous tweet:

The tweet itself didn’t even mention カスハラ, but the regulations list several new items including カスタマーハラスメントについて:

カスハラ:From お客様 to 貴さま

The new policy prevents 威迫(いはく)・脅迫(きょうはく)・威嚇行為(いかくこうい)・侮辱(ぶじょく)and many more variations.

Nintendo has had ongoing issues with their Joy-Cons especially Joy-Con drift and likely has resulted in many keyboard warriors demanding free repairs outside warranty periods, another item on the new カスハラ list.

If you found this lesson useful, I’d really appreciate a donation. It goes directly into supporting this website and me to produce more content that will help you improve your Japanese.

If you’d like to have personalised Japanese lessons, be they 1-on-1 or group lessons, contact me today via the website’s contact form. You can checkout my YouTube channel for examples of what lessons will look like, and I have a professional home studio setup with microphone, lighting and software so that I can display anything on screen including articles, videos and much more.

In Japanese, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and kanji

One of the things you’ll get told in the ‘cultural’ learnings side of Japanese, is to be careful with the number 4 due to its pronunciation.


Apart from the fact that I disagree that this should be a JLPT N4 kanji (surely the numbers below 100 have to be N5?), the main point of bringing this up is to point out that the two main readings of this kanji are:


The し reading is the Chinese reading of this kanji, and if that doesn’t make sense to you, never fear as I’ve got a two part series that goes into what this means in some depth:

The issue is, that there is another kanji that is read as し, which means death:


So thus you have an issue with putting four on things as, when spoken, it can sound like death.

I always found this to be a slightly strange attitude, considering that there are many instances that し is used in Japanese and no one seems to mind, for example April is しがつ.

But one big part where this is not put up with is for rooms and buildings.

I worked at a hotel in Japan and even in this hotel there was no floor four, nor any rooms that ended with four. This is despite the fact that fourth floor is 四階(よんかい) and doesn’t even use the pronunciation of 四/死.

I think there was another floor that was missing but can’t for the life of me remember, it was either 7 or 8. I would’ve thought it would be 9 as it can be read as く which can mean suffering via 苦, but I’m almost certain there was a floor 9:


This skipping of floors can be found almost anywhere there is kanji, as this picture from Wikipedia is from a building in Shanghai:


There is a lot of cultural underpinnings and ideas close to numerology or even the Kabbalah contained with Japanese culture and kanji, and I cover all of this in my lessons that I perform online with my students.

One experience that really brought this home was a visit to a samurai’s castle in 石川. One issue with being a samurai, is you have to be on your guard for the specialist samurai assassins, the ninjas.

While you can build a castle that tries to keep the ninja out, as prevention is better than cure, in the end you may end up losing and so the honourable thing to do is suicide. So of course, you should design a special room to do so.

This room had a doorway that only allows you to enter and not leave, and also is only four tatami mats wide. The usage of tatami mats to measure things is possible due to it being a standard of measurement under the 尺貫法, which you can find more about here.

If you found this lesson useful, I’d really appreciate a donation. It goes directly into supporting this website and me to produce more content that will help you improve your Japanese.

If you’d like to have personalised Japanese lessons, be they 1-on-1 or group lessons, contact me today via the website’s contact form. You can checkout my YouTube channel for examples of what lessons will look like, and I have a professional home studio setup with microphone, lighting and software so that I can display anything on screen including articles, videos and much more.

The next level: understanding the differences

One recurring grammar area that I find I have to revise with almost all my students is transitive and intransitive verbs. I’ve done a few blog posts and videos on them which you can find here, here and here.

It’s an area of Japanese that I struggled with, but on reflection this was partly due to the topic not being introduced until later. It is so important that it should be learnt right after you’ve done the verb basics like past tense, negative tense etc.

Indeed, it was grammar guides like Tae Kim’s (that puts it in the ‘verb basics‘ section) and IMABI’s (which puts them in ‘beginners II‘) that first made me realise that I should have been learning this area of Japanese a lot earlier than I did.

Don’t be too intimidated by the tables and charts on the IMABI page, as you don’t need to memorise these charts to do well in transitivity and intransitivity. Instead, as I coach in my lessons and on the posts/videos I have done, you want to go by examples sentences and verb pairs.

So let’s look at what transitive and intransitive verbs are, why they’re useful, and how to better understand them.

What are transitive and intransitive verbs?

While a technical grammar term and only really used by linguists and language teachers, essentially most verbs are either transitive or intransitive.

This is a way of categorising verbs so that you know who does what and to whom.

For example, with a ball, it can be dropped or it can fall. When considering something as being ‘dropped’, we know that a person or other animate being has done this action; the ball was held, and then released.

However, if a ball just rolls off a table, it has fallen. In this case, we don’t really ascribe an actor or agent making this happen, it is more just a function of gravity, friction etc (look, I’m not a physics teacher).

So dropping the ball involves a direct agent, and these are the transitive verbs. Whereas when the action happens without this agent’s involvement, these are intransitive verbs. One way I like to describe this is that a transitive verb happens because someone has done something, whereas for an intransitive verb it is more that we are just sitting there observe it.

For example, with a car we can hit the brake pedal and stop the car, this would be a transitive action.

But if the car rolls down a hill and slams into a wall, the car has stopped.

So we have done an action in the first, but not in the second.

Now, it can get a little confusing, because you can still use an intransitive verb in the first example as well. For instance, say that you were watching the car roll down the hill, but then it stopped without hitting anything. Of course, you can infer that someone likely hit the brake, but if you’re just wanting to make a comment on what you have just seen, you may want to merely say, ‘the car stopped’.

So despite someone actually hitting the brake and stopping the car, the reality is that the car still stopped and you observed that, so you may want to describe that reality. This is where knowing about intransitivity can be very useful.

In Japanese the way transitivity works is complicated because we introduce the concept of particles and verb pairs. While we may have separate words such as the fall/drop example in English, we often achieve transitivity in English via word order:

  • I stopped the car.
  • The car stopped.

Japanese, instead, went for having the ‘same word’ but having a transitive and intransitive version of each. As mentioned above, the use of the particle reveals the grammatical relationship between those two words.

One way to see this, is to use a dictionary like Takoboto and just look up any verb, then from the ‘See more’ option or the details panel on the right, scroll down to the kanji section. I’ll do with the word おとす:

The next level: understanding the differences
Main dictionary entry of おとす with the See more button highlighted, and the details pane on the right. Notice that this verb is categorised as ‘transitive’.
The next level: understanding the differences
The kanjis section with the intransitive and transitive verbs highlighted respectively. You can look up おちる and you will find it gets listed as an intransitive verb.

So once you’ve learnt these two words, おとす and おちる, the last thing is to pair them with the appropriate particle. を・に and other particles are going to be used with transitive verbs, and anytime you are dealing with an intransitive verb, this を will change to は・が.

If you need to brush up on your particles, check out Tae Kim’s lessons here.

But the key takeaway here is that as the を particle is needing a direct object, it is perfect for transitive verbs and cannot work with intransitive verbs. When you hit the brake, you need to point out that YOU are the person who hit the brake, which is what を does.

When the car just stops, there is nothing that を can point to as taking ACTION to stop that car. It just stopped.

So we end up with:

  • ボールが落ちる・ボールを落とす
  • 車を止めた・車が止まった

If you want some examples, here is a news clip talking about people stopping their cars on a highway to do a bit of road rage and it mentions that the people stopped their cars thus 車を止めた:

Or this athletics training website showing a ball being dropped, thus ボールを落とす:

The next level: understanding the differences

Another example was from a show of Sumos versus Entertainers 怪力バトルフィールド:現役力士VS肉体派芸能人 where one of the entertainers was shoved so hard he had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction.

The next level: understanding the differences

The purple text is what 横川尚隆 is saying, as he is using 出る, meaning ‘something’ has ‘come out’ or ‘appeared’. This is contrasted with 出す, the transitive verb to ‘put something out there’. You can use your imagination as to what he is referring to.

He then uses this difference in words to make a joke:

The next level: understanding the differences

‘It’s hard to deal with (the loss), but I put it all out there’.

One of the few jokes that actually works even when translated.

If you found this lesson useful, I’d really appreciate a donation. It goes directly into supporting this website and me to produce more content that will help you improve your Japanese.

If you’d like to have personalised Japanese lessons, be they 1-on-1 or group lessons, contact me today via the website’s contact form. You can checkout my YouTube channel for examples of what lessons will look like, and I have a professional home studio setup with microphone, lighting and software so that I can display anything on screen including articles, videos and much more.










If you found this lesson useful, I’d really appreciate a donation. It goes directly into supporting this website and me to produce more content that will help you improve your Japanese.

If you’d like to have personalised Japanese lessons, be they 1-on-1 or group lessons, contact me today via the website’s contact form. You can checkout my YouTube channel for examples of what lessons will look like, and I have a professional home studio setup with microphone, lighting and software so that I can display anything on screen including articles, videos and much more.







If you found this lesson useful, I’d really appreciate a donation. It goes directly into supporting this website and me to produce more content that will help you improve your Japanese.

If you’d like to have personalised Japanese lessons, be they 1-on-1 or group lessons, contact me today via the website’s contact form. You can checkout my YouTube channel for examples of what lessons will look like, and I have a professional home studio setup with microphone, lighting and software so that I can display anything on screen including articles, videos and much more.

JLPT 2022 Australia – Now Open!

The registrations for the December 2022 JLPT are now open, and it is being run in every capital city except Canberra for the December test.

The test is generally held on the first Sunday in December and this year is no different. See below for some materials to help you study. I’d also recommend you have a browse through my website to find extra articles.

I specifically help with JLPT preparation and hold N1 myself, so if you’re wanting to get the most out of your Japanese study, be sure to email me via or send an enquiry through my website’s contact page so we can organise a lesson. Look forward to hearing from you!


NHK Easy article readthroughs:

I’ve got many more on my channel, you can find them in this Newspaper Playlist.

For grammar, I’ve got these videos among many more:

For general Japanese tips, try these videos:





If you found this post useful, I’d really appreciate a donation. It goes directly into supporting this website and me to produce more content that will help you improve your Japanese.

If you’d like to have personalised Japanese lessons, be they 1-on-1 or group lessons, contact me today via the website’s contact form. You can checkout my YouTube channel for examples of what lessons will look like, and I have a professional home studio setup with microphone, lighting and software so that I can display anything on screen including articles, videos and much more.