Japanese in real life: making an effort with 〜ようにしている

Introduced at around the N4 level for the JLPT, the ようにしている grammar is extremely useful in a wide variety of expressions, but we’re going to look at some specific usages of this referring to habits and making effort to do things.

An expression that refers to what you are doing habitually
V(辞書形 / ナイ形)+ようにしている:to try to, to make sure that

The Boss Man

An explanation of why this grammar operates this way is best read on Tae Kim’s page Trying, so have a read of that as well as the example sentences given on that page to get a feel for it, then of course come back to my page to read my example (please).

Don’t make me beg~

Worked examples

So let’s go through some examples to see how this particular grammar point is used. As always, I’d recommend you use a browser plugin to help you read kanji.

毎日野菜を食べるようにしている。I’m trying to eat vegetables every day.

健康のためになるべく歩くようにしている。I try to walk as much as possible for my health.

遅く寝ないようにしている。I try not to go to bed late.

体重が気になるので食べ過ぎないようにしている。I’m worried about my weight, so I’m trying not to eat too much.

あのあたりは治安が悪いので行かないようにしている。I make an effort not to go there because it is unsafe.

古いものを壊れないように触っている。I’m handling the antique in a way so as not to break it.

風で飛ばされないように固定する。Secure it so that it will not be blown away by the wind.

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